Can't find the answer you're looking for? We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions to help you!

Easy! You have several options. You can click on “Request an Interpreter” to fill out the form and a member of our team will contact you within 24 business hours. You can also call, fax or text us. Our contact information can be found in the footer of the website. 

We would like this to be easy. We strongly encouraged everyone to submit a request for sign language interpreters two weeks in advance so sign language interpreters can prepare. We cannot promise that we will be able to get an interpreter at the last minute, depending on interpreter availability.

All of our current sign language interpreters are RID certified! As part of our contracts with sign language interpreters, we typically require that sign language interpreters have RID certification and licenses for specific areas in order to interpret.

We all hate fees, but we want to respect sign language interpreters’ time. If an order is cancelled by the client within 48 hours (2 full business days), there is no charge; if the client cancels an order within less than 48 hours, the full amount for the requested sign language interpreter time will be paid. 

Yes! One of our certified deaf interpreters specializes in LSM (Mexican Sign Language). We are hiring more and more translators: Certified Deaf Interpreters or sign language interpreters from abroad for this company. If you need one, please contact us and we will do our best to find one!

This is not impossible! If the event lasts more than two hours, we recommend that companies or other services request at least two interpreters. We will make sure to find the appropriate sign language interpreters to compensate for their time.

Everyone has their favorite sign language interpreters! However, we cannot always promise that your preferred interpreters will be available for you.

If you prefer a particular interpreter because their sign language matches your style, we can do our best to find another similar interpreter who will also matches your style.